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Old September 7th, 2012, 02:13 AM

Valerius Valerius is offline
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Default Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Send pretenders

Originally Posted by Austen View Post
Honestly, I can't think of a game setup that would be more in favor of TNN.. all of their strengths are kept completely intact (and many are accentuated by the easy research) while all their endgame deficiencies are washed away.
I agree completely that TNN's time is the mid-game. All I can say is the game certainly wasn't designed to favor my nation. I've run several of these low magic games and played Eriu, Van, Pan, Caelum and now TNN which, if you're familiar with my nation choices, is actually less TNN/Eriu/glamour than is typical for me.

Are you interested in playing TNN? If so, I could choose a different nation (probably Van, Hel or Pan).

Originally Posted by Austen View Post
I explored Nief, but I have never played them and I couldn't make a build that emphasized the things I think are likely to be important and still have any sort of economy. In my tests, I just couldn't ever solve the money problems. Prob a me problem, but that I couldn't solve it..
I think the strength of Niefel isn't the Niefel Jarls but blood magic and skratti. So in this game, demon troops and reverse communioned skratti to crush people with brute force. Scales with maybe a light bless for the Jarls?
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