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Old September 8th, 2012, 03:11 PM

vargr vargr is offline
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Default Re: Rock and a Hard Place - LA game - full - design pretenders

Originally Posted by YellowCactus View Post
It SuX to be in the middle of non-wrapping maps, but I'm happy to play Dominions with you guys. Thanks for setting up the game!
I agree. However, in the version I had in mind, the central island is disabled as starting location, furthermore, some of the worst starts (2 neighbour provs mainly) have been disabled. I think it's mainly question of size here.

I had a small game in mind when I started but as I've played several tight maps recently, and gotten into very early wars I didn't like, I'm leaning more and more towards a bigger map here. Even when the said wars went ok for me, I felt they hurt my end game. Maybe I'm just a hopeless turtle

But I want to emphasize that I'm certainly ok with Squirrels with 8 as well, if that's what folks want. I did propose it originally after all.

Edit: asked around about the Squirrels map with 8 starts, it was used in the Momentum game and seems some of the starts were very close each other. So maybe we shoud use another version, if we use that map
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