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Old September 8th, 2012, 06:41 PM

Valerius Valerius is offline
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Default Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - Send pretenders

Great, I heard back from Ossa as well and he'll have his pretender in tonight, which just leaves shard. I know he's interested in playing but I'm not sure if he's around the forum much so I'm still waiting to hear from him.

Darn it, Austen. I have this bad habit of switching my nation repeatedly before a game begins. This time around I was quite good as I had a TNN build I really wanted to play and I was sticking with it. But then you got me thinking about Helheim. I've never played them before and one reason (aside from the fact I don't like D magic much ) is that I really like the first round, no booster required, fog warriors casters the other glamour nations have. So, I'm more likely to play Helheim under these settings than otherwise.

In short, I'm switching to Helheim and TNN is available.

Which may be a good thing anyway since we seem a bit light on blood nations - perhaps because a lot of people feel they're overnerfed. I don't think they are but this way I'll get to see firsthand.
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