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Old September 9th, 2012, 08:19 AM

vargr vargr is offline
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Default Re: Rock and a Hard Place - LA game - full - design pretenders

Seems that balancing the Lands of Legends for 8 LA nations is quite hard - if you want to have roughly even spacing, No of neighbours over 3 and the access to the limited harbors. In addition, Mictlan and Atlantis will have a definitive advantage for the island provinces as they can reach it much more easily.

In order to allow people to plan accordingly I've decided on the Ethereal Squirrels map. Take a look athe thumbnail at:

I would keep these starts but move 73 one tick east to 74. This way everyone should have a mimimum of 3 provinces between eachother. I don't think you can get 4 prov spread for everyone when it's this crowded.

Not at home atm but I'll set up the game tomorrow with the updated map. Try to have your pretender ready soon!
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