Originally Posted by LDiCesare
A few comments on your AAR if I may:
Turn 1: Patrolling with LA Ermor on turn 1 looks useless to me. I usually pillage my capital. These people will die anyway. Patrolling is really only useful in that rich province of yours where you took care not to push your own dominion. I may be wrong, but I'm not sure how much you earn by pushing taxes high and letting your dominion kill people with regards to pillaging and getting more money (and less people) immediately.
Turn 3: Also, mindless units are perfectly good at tearing down walls. They do suck at repairing them, though.
Couldn't get past turn 20 for the moment.
I'm glad you like it.
I wouldn't recommend pillaging your home province on the first turn. There's still a high population, which is sensitive to unrest and can generate a decent amount of revenue for the first couple of turns. I actually ran a quick test where I pillaged the first turn instead of patrolling and after 5-turns the pillage strategy generated 896 gold while the patrolling one generated 1,304.
Great point about tearing down the walls. I had assumed that mindless were at 10% strength for repairing walls AND reducing them. There's always something new to learn in this game