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Old September 12th, 2012, 06:07 AM
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Default Re: Multi-Player After Action Report (Now Discussing Turns up to 13-16)

A that point, with Arco going down and me getting pushed back into the water, continuing would have just meant my feeble tentacles scrabbling ineffectually at Formorias muscled thews while he got around stomping you and Caelum for 20 turns. Or maybe just 10.

I think think the turning point in this game was when Bluemage142 (Maverni), Roland Jones (Helheim) and me (R'lyeh) failed to contain Corinthian (Fomoria). Which was something of a surprise to me at the time, since I thought a triple-dogpile would be more than enough and was rather more worried about getting my share of the spoils.

Maybe if I had commited all my forces instead of playing a holding game on my initial gains - but that would have wrecked my research and would have left me open to Arcoscephale.

But once Helheim went down I think Fomoria was effectively unstoppable. At the time I had hopes on Arco, but it turned out he was to late and got ripped apart instead.
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