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Old September 24th, 2012, 07:16 AM

Executor Executor is offline
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Default Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing

Treachery! Fire and blood, hecks and curses, plagues and banefires!
The foul lizard of C'tis has lain siege to the good, kind hearted giants of Niefelheim!
Step no further foul lizards! The icy peaks of Neifelheim are under Pangaen protectorate. We have cast out and exiled the false god which sought to use the gentle giants for his own twisted purposes.
Even now the former Skratti and Jarl rebels yield to us. They have seen the error of their ways and swore allegiance to the one true God and have even granted the knowledge of their deepest held secret of everlasting winter.

Pangaea will restore balance to this decimated world. The forges of Ulm will be quenched and forest burning brutes will be punished! The demons of Lanka will be banished and their perverted reanimation ceased once and for all.

Vacate Neifel land or face the wrath of Pangaea. You will not be warned again.

-Pangaean ministry of love and peace-
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