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Old September 25th, 2012, 08:08 AM

Executor Executor is offline
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Default Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing

While yes I am!

Let's see; I've already turned water to blood (all those poor ice elementals tainted with the blood of maenads), and I've smitten all thy borders with frogs. Than I unleashed disease upon thy livestock (technically that came in pair with the frogs) and I've sent swarms of flies upon thee.
We can't really sprinkle boils all over the world, however a certain Skratti is helping us sprinkle a bit of frost. How's that preaching against the cold going btw?

Our Pretender is working up to thunder and hail atm, and we've a little short of nature gems for the locusts but we'll get around to it eventually. Lanks has also been gracious enough to tend to the darkness problem we were facing.
I'm probably going to have to skip smiting you with Lice though, technical difficulties, you understand.
That leaves us only with the death of the firstborn, which is up for debate on who the firstborn actually are; Yomi? Neifel Jarls?

The map is very pretty lookin' btw, but very impractical for MP. Adding a couple of port provinces could fix the connectivity issue. Though in this particular case I'm thankful for the lack of access point to me.
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