Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
News from the Front Lines:
Strange events are occurring. The most talked about is the sudden disappearance of the false god leading the fierce, yet fiscally troubled, nation of Jomon. Some have claimed that he has moved on to another realm, perhaps to once again be by the side of the vanished Pantokrator. Others point to a more sinister plot. The would-be god was last seen at the battle for Jomon proper, where the armies of Atlantis routed the assaulting forces. Soldiers from the battle say that their was an air of deception that morning. Regardless of what happened, all agree that the loss of their idol has sent the armies of Jomon on a rampage.
Lord Gumfry Aethelwulf, a local magistrate of the prosperous nation of Man gave this official statement, "The nation of Man has worked along side the armies of Jomon in the past, dividing our forces to quell revolts and bring order to Jomon's impoverish lands. Though our two armies have skirmished several times over the issue of human rights, we had always held hope that Jomon would do what was best for its people. Yet now, with dictatorial generals leading the armies of Jomon, we have been forced to send more persuasive ambassadors."
According to our reports, the bureaucracy of Man's government has approved the use of arcana against the rouge elements of the Jomon. General Frank Edmund said this in reply to our questions, "We have rarely, if ever, fielded the use of arcane talents in the field of war. I would say we have only field one, at best two, untrained sages. But their presence was merely to facilitate the needs of our more... gifted soldiers. The leaders have issued me orders saying that I can employ four tier 2 magisters and one tier 6 magister for special operations."
Ensign Steve Wilson Offa, who was at the most recent engagement, had this to say, "The mother****er came out of the ****en sky! The clouds got all dark and ****, and we took those *****es down! **** just got real!."
Meanwhile, reports indicate that the borders of the Axis of Frost have been shifting. Could this be a sign that the great alliance has fallen? Are these two nations at war, or are they peacefully trading provinces for a more sinister plot? Who can tell?