I'm afraid, Gandalf, that I have literally no idea what you're saying.
The two forums should not be hostile towards one another. I think everyone agrees on that (Sombre just reiterated it over in the other forum). The only reason the forum split is because of mishandling by Shrapnel staff.
However, for people interested in modding or other content creation, there is far more going on in the other forum than here. So I would direct people interested in content over there.
Ideally people can check in both forums. I get more comments in the other forum, but there is also great feedback to be had here (thanks Valerius!).
Link to other forum for anyone for whom this is a mysterious conversation:
As for this thread: Theunderlord, it's great to have enthusiasm. However you're being met with sarcasm because in practice producing mods takes a lot of time and effort (for me a mod nation takes several months of obsession and working on it in every available scrap of time). The people who make them normally have plenty of ideas of their own. On the other hand, we have seen a lot of people turn up with tonnes of "ideas", who go on to contribute nothing. So there is inevitably some skepticism of "ideas" threads.