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Old October 9th, 2012, 07:01 AM

militarist militarist is offline
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Default Re: Talon of Fear - Random nations - Started

Once more time I'd like to make an accent on Patala.
Here is another game where this player is playing, and his nation is really recongizable by stalling statitics. I would propose to Torin as game admin to either get some commitment from him or we need to find a replacement while its not too late. The player is currently in several games, and stalls everywhere - somewhere more somewhere less. Disappearing for weeks sometimes without any notifcation.

Initiative: Staling data

Nation Turn 54 Turn 55 Turn 56 Turn 57 Turn 58 Total stales
C'tis Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received 0
Abysia Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received 0
Caelum Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received 1
R'lyeh Turn received Staled Staled Staled Staled 19
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