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Old October 15th, 2012, 05:37 AM

Tiavals Tiavals is offline
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Default Re: Waaargs without end (Upload pretenders)

Too bad about you guys thinking we should stop the game, the game is finally coming to the really interesting part for me. Helheim is jumping around my territory with flying troops, his main army has most of the artifacts in the game and it's big.

But I have several plans which I'm fairly sure will completely smash his army. First of all, I'll start throwing around Leprosy at his army, hoping do disease his dudes. Then, Winds of Death will rot them to death, as I understand it goes through mistform(which he uses on an army scale). If that doesn't work, I have several Dai Onis with Fire 5, ready to cast Firestorm/Flamestorm(whichever is the one that does 6AP per round), which should go through Mistform as well. I also had Earthquake Dai Onis, but then I realized it does physical damage, and worse, can be resisted with Defence, which is very high for his troops.

A recap of how things went:

I took a Master lich, with 9 death and 5 water. Why? I thought high death scale would work well with Dai Onis, which I'd use as battle mages, so they'd cause loads of afflictions. I also wanted to branch to water(which worked out superbly, since my water gem income was the highest, ludicrously. I found that water site that gives 5 gems per turn, and loads of others).

At first my expansion was slow. But when Hinnom was dying, I got a fair amount of new territory, which made me much more powerful, and the same happened with Ermor. Meanwhile, Marverni had grown very strong, so I decided to oppose him sneakily, being the bastard I am. I gave financial and water gem support to Niefelheim, and later blasted some of his druids with Fires From Afar and that 50 gem water spell. Didn't work nearly as well as I had hoped, with only a few kills. We still had a NAP, so he never suspected a thing.
Ermor resisted more than I thought, so capturing his territory was slow, which allowed Helheim to crush most of Lanka. During this time, Lanka became my vassal which I pledged to protect from Helheim, and from there on, the great war started, which is still in full swing.

But I'm still up for continuing the game, despite spilling my plans and whatnot.
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