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Old October 15th, 2012, 06:07 AM

Olm Olm is offline
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Default Re: Waaargs without end (Upload pretenders)

Yes, I saw Helheims great army last turn. Half had a mind to jump in my Treeant with an army (via portal stone) my Asynja, the Shishis, some more Air mages and a ton of Druids.
Luckily such notion leave me fast and I usually continue my rather defensive and save playstyle.

Your backstabbing did not much damage Tiavals, in fact I don't think I lost a single Druid to it. And Niefelheim gave me some of your Water Gems when he surrendered.
Observed some of your Dai Onis against Hinnom. They were a fearful sight then. Could imagine Helheim having a hard time against you. And I would probably have entered the fight 3-4 turns from now.
I still think Atlantis could have achieved something in this game. But for a war against Atlantis I had 200 Water Gems stored for an unbreakable Sea of Ice.
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