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Old October 16th, 2012, 07:36 AM

YellowCactus YellowCactus is offline
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Default Re: Waaargs without end (Upload pretenders)

Nief was prompted by allies who did not show up on the battlefield. Also, Gift of Heaven saved your bacon. It was a great game, I learned alot. I still have 10 succubus and 600 bloodslaves with 30 blood commanders. If Ulm, Sauro, or Heilheim had gone 100% to war against you, I would reclaim my lands.

I did gift my gems to Marvingi a couple turns back in an effort to reach a peace settlement, but he wasn't buying. The problem with these big games is that by turn 50, if you are doing well, it takes like 2 hours to plan a turn. So, some people are not willing to play things through if they don't feel like they have much to gain.

I am willing to call Olm the victor. But I refute his claim that going to war with him was a mistake. I did my best...and fell short...This time!
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