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Old October 16th, 2012, 12:14 PM

Olm Olm is offline
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Default Re: Waaargs without end (Upload pretenders)

Originally Posted by YellowCactus View Post
Nief was prompted by allies who did not show up on the battlefield. Also, Gift of Heaven saved your bacon. It was a great game, I learned alot. I still have 10 succubus and 600 bloodslaves with 30 blood commanders. If Ulm, Sauro, or Heilheim had gone 100% to war against you, I would reclaim my lands.

I did gift my gems to Marvingi a couple turns back in an effort to reach a peace settlement, but he wasn't buying. The problem with these big games is that by turn 50, if you are doing well, it takes like 2 hours to plan a turn. So, some people are not willing to play things through if they don't feel like they have much to gain.

I am willing to call Olm the victor. But I refute his claim that going to war with him was a mistake. I did my best...and fell short...This time!
I do not say it was a mistake to fight me. But I say it was a mistake to do it alone without backup. If you had allies who didn't show up, that's another matter. But had you communicated with Sauromatia, you could have launched a much more dangerous attack. Sauro had just cancelled the NAP with me when you attacked and cut right between us. Convenient for me. Thats why I never took Cuna Eral and Imictan back from you. This postponed his attack on me for a lot of turns, by then you were essentially finished.
Had you attacked simultaneously I would have been in real trouble.

About your surrender: I did not understand it. I thought "surrender" means: I am done and will go AI. That's why I answered with a large teleport action to claim your lands. Had you offered GEM's to me for peace, I had taken that offer, as Kailasa had just attacked me. In fact, had you at that time asked for peace (a third time) I would probably have accepted, as I really regretted turning you down the turn before, when Kailasa attacked.

And to speak up for Sauromatia: When he finally decided to break through your lands to attack me, he did so 100%. He just had not as much success as you, because I was prepared.
To be honest my greatest fear was that you were allied with Ulm, as you both worked together against Arco. But Ulm agreed to a NAP when we met.

And finally a tip for Niefel from an enemy: rely on Skinshifters rather than Giants. They are cheaper and have more staying power. Especially against GfH. I was much more worried about your Skinshifters and always relieved to find those large, blue meteor targets.
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