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Old October 19th, 2012, 09:47 AM

chelubey chelubey is offline
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Default Re: WallWorld2 - 10/10 - Newbie-Intermediate

Our admin raised a question on game-defining issue more than a week ago:

Then he asked confirmation in

Since the very beginning there were zero replies from dark7element and serbal.
Stattis voted for restart.

Concerning serbal: he dropped nation to AI without even notifying someone. His last forum login was "Last Activity: 09-15-12 03:41 PM". Looks like a sample of very inappropriate player behaviour degrading game quality in a whole.

But what about others?
How many ACTIVE players remain in game now?
How many open nation-slots do we have (if any) requiring recruitment?
How can Tiavals (or anybody else) conclude it if some players in team remain silent?

(I don't assert there are those who ignored these questions since I don't have full info - maybe they contacted via another means. But I assume that "?" signs at nation selection which remain for a few players in header message and lack of answers on forum are correlated.)

Ladies and gentlemen - we are struggled on almost a week around very basic and simple question - if things will go in such a non-disciplined way, this game will unlikely bring much good.
I understand if someone can't find the time to make his/her turn in late game for several days, but just a simple decision and a very few words on forum are needed here.
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