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Old October 24th, 2012, 04:54 PM
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Default Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Wow now i have to post my crap again, out of the PM.

recap. Its the border between Maverni and Lanka. i have a fort, he doesnt. I have 40 guys in my fort, he has 250 guys in his province, building strength over like 4 ? or 5 turns. I send him a message, declaring im ending the NAP due to the buildup in forces on his border and asking for a explanation to maybe get back on the NAP.

He messages back, telling me he finds my reasoning dubious, but the war being my call (i.e. he doesnt care).
I attack him and kill his army.

I find nothing wrong with this.

Now Sigil, please dont argue about this like you did in the PM. what i did was more than approbiate. You had a chance to explain yourself or move your 250 guy army away, but you didnt.
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