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Old October 29th, 2012, 07:27 PM

Minor Kitty Minor Kitty is offline
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Default The beaver song ,CBM1.94+LA Assimilation mod 1.1 6/7 remaining

This game is intended to be a entry level game. To give some guidance I would say fewer than 10 MP games is a good cutoff point. I don't mind experts but keep in mind that this has assimilation mod and I'd hate for the noobies to be rolled over by turn 20.

Players 10, Hosted on Llamaserver
Map: Cradle of Dominion

CBM 1.94
Assimilation 1.1 (needs patching for EA but otherwise fine)

Proposed Rules:
Research: Standard
Gold: 400
Starting provinces: 1
Sites: 75
Hosting: Every 24 hours for 21 turns, then votes can be called for a change
All others' standard.
Graphs: off

Diplomacy: Trades binding, treaties binding provided that they are announced to everyone.

Assimilation mod allows the recruitment of some flavor units (but never elite) from the capitals of conquered nations. No fire mages? Visit Absyia.

All standard exploits banned: Bogarus orders, autospawn locking forts, filling labs, pining armies with retreating scouts.

Players: 7/10
Acro: Minor Kitty
Marrigon: Skymoon
Gath: Cux47
C'tis: Darkwind
Man: Angelsong
Ermor: redmage
Bogarus: Psycho Chick

Last edited by Minor Kitty; November 18th, 2012 at 06:49 PM..
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