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Old November 4th, 2012, 01:58 AM
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Samhain Samhain is offline
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Default Re: Is there any particularly good way to fight Jotunheim's Moose Riders? [CBM 1.94]

Forget the shields. Spam him with the black plate infantry sporting flails. Doubling the number of attacks is much more valuable than a shield in this case (and most others) for a unit that already has Prot 21, IMHO. Forget Evo too until after you first get (if I recall) Cons 1 for Legions of Steel and Ench 3 for Strength of Giants. Against that, moose archers should not even pose a noticeable speed bump.

Unless you are getting hammered by magical summons, I'd hold off on the Evo and first get Thuam 2 for Bonds of Fire (for taking care of elephants and other tramplers) and site searching spells and then get Conj 3 for Summon Earth Power. You'll need that E boost before going to Evo 6 for Magma Eruption anyway. And, every Priest Smith recruited for Iron Darts/Blizzard is an opportunity lost for an F/E/S random.
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