Well, I received the answers I was looking for, and looks like you are all in unanimous agreement to declare Caelum the winner. Congratulations Wraithlord. (Who will no doubt forgive me this grand unveiling.

) I wasn't actually
in the game to actually see how it all unfolded, but a game of this size being convincigly won by turn 45 looks pretty spectacular to me.
The other remaining players (in order of provinces held) were:
Pangaea: Bullock
Gath: Danbo
Pythium: Executor
Midgard: GFSnl
Utgard: Fungalreason
Ulm: Curiousyellow, who took over from Trattorix on turn 18. (With my thanks.)
C'tis: FrozenLama
Also, for all those thanking me for doing a good job as admin I can honestly reply that this was the easiest admin job I have ever held, with practically no intervention needed from my side, so than
you for making it all so easy on me.