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Old November 9th, 2012, 09:19 AM

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Default Re: MP YARG4, non newb LA RAND game.8/19 players left

Congrats WL, well played.

Originally Posted by sansanjuan View Post
So you were my nemesis Pythium. Well played. I could not find the go switch for early game Agartha even in test games. I thought I might get lucky and have a run after seiging TC's cap but had no answer to those 8 ethereal hydras hitting my backside next turn. My only bright spot was later killing the 28 hydras during the siege of my cap. Curious why you didn't buff them again.
I had everything planned to perfection and than TC screwed me and turned AI. The plan was to hit you while you were occupied with TC and to have TC take on a part of your army, weakening the both of you in the process.
However, what happened was I attacked you, and TC turned AI and attacked me. So instead of what I thought would be a 5 turn blitz turned into a painful 20 turn war...
By the time I had finished with you I was still dealing with the AI TC and had to try and figure out how to attack Caelum who clearly needed to be deal with.
No comment on the hydras however, that was just dumb on my part. Didn't expect you to actually meet my army.

Anyway, Danbo;
I'm not sure RAND games are for you. The turn I throw a weak arsed punch at Caelum after a few stales to try and stop him you decide it's a good time to attack me and practically ensure Caelum wins. Not that there was much chance of stopping WL at that point anyway but at least we could have tried.
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