Originally Posted by sansanjuan
On a related note as far as what were they thinking..
I made a failed attempt to draw Midgard into your lands while you we're seiging my cap. I started raiding on both sides of the Midgard/ Pyth border hoping Midgard would drop the dragon on my reading party at the same time you hit it. With no diplomacy there was some (though small) chance of an "entanglement" misunderstandings near your cap. It came to naught but thought I'd bring it up.
Heh, I'm quite familiar with what you tried to do. I did the same thing in some other no diplo game, where I managed to draw two more nations into conflict and there was no way I'd fall for it.

I let Midgard retake his and waited a few turns, I think, before I retook mine, just in case.
Danbo, yeah, I was a bit of an ars to say that. I was being sarcastic but to be honest not completly, sorry.
Regarding YARG 3, I'm glad it worked as I ended up with a couple of more provinces!