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Old November 12th, 2012, 01:21 PM
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Default Re: Is Longer Better?

Originally Posted by Fantomen View Post
My theory for why repel has so much weaker impact than you would expect in theory, is that most regular troops with long weapons have mediocre attack scores. If you tried making pikeneers with 20 attack you could see what happens to the amount of repels.
I think it's more the att/def differential that counts, rather than just the repeller's attack score. If so, darkvision might be a good substitute for high attack occasionally.

Now that I think about it - the one and only time I've seen mass repel used effectively was by basalt spear-equipped Deep Ones (supported by Kokythiads spamming Terror from behind) fighting Niefel giants, with Darkness on. The Deep Ones by themselves didn't do much damage to the Earth-blessed, regenerating giants, but it was almost comical to watch the little guys' repels connecting consistently (thanks to their 100% darkvision, and the Niefels' lack of), and the big blue guys failing their morale checks just as consistently (I think they were starving and fighting out of dominion as well, it certainly didn't help them.)

All that just because Niefel giants think that Jotun spears are for pussies and use shorter axes instead.
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