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Old November 16th, 2012, 05:20 PM

starcryst starcryst is offline
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Default Re: Introduce yourself!! :-)

Hello everyone. I'm new to Dom3, have been playing AI for about a month and am just getting into my first MP games now.

I'm an old dude (45) and a long time strategy game fan, with my favorite offline games including Star Fleet Battles and Mechwarrior (20 years ago) and Small World more recently and my favorite computer games including Civ 4/5 and EUIII.

Worked for years in the computer game industry as a Designer / Producer for Microprose back when it was one of the top companies in the industry. Worked on the original X-Com, Civ1 Windows, MOO, MOM & Magic the Gathering.

Nowadays have my own Tech Startup in the mobile space which is doing really well.

Been looking for a deep online strategy game experience for years and been dissatisfied with everything prior to coming across Dom3. Looking forward to getting to know you all and becoming and active member of the Dom3 community.

Also, I'm up for Blitz games on the weekend, so look me up if you are forming a game and need players.
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