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Old November 21st, 2012, 08:21 PM

Austen Austen is offline
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Default Re: Initiative: EA game. "Grow that Nub!"

I'm postponing the game again.. not sure what to do.. I've been trying to stay in and get turns done, but it just isn't happening and I don't see it getting better. I realize that this makes me the wrong sort of Dom 3 player, but I just don't see me getting turns in... they take 2-3 hours+ and everytime I start to look at it, I just don't get anywhere. SO then it gets postponed forever..

What do you guys want to do? I can look for a sub, but I doubt they are going to get much done given the state of the game... I could go AI.. I could stale *shrug* I could keep postponing in hopes of getting a turn done one day..

I've been struggling to figure out a way to not have to post this, but I don't feel like I can do another big postponement and not at least comment

Sorry for being awful
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