Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X
It would be pretty cool if people would post if they request an extension or if the admin does one. Lately it has become really annoying (to me) to see that Oceania always submits his turn 5 minutes before the deadline. I would like to get this back on a proper track, please.
It's the late game, I have a million billion mages to keep track of, and what's worse, it's the holiday season. And it's not just me who submits his turns at the last minute. We've all been pressed for time, I think.
Incidentally, because of this awful nonsense regarding the update version, this turn is probably going to be a stale from me. Apparently I'm going to have to reinstall the entire freaking game, mods and all, in order to submit any more turns, and I'm sure the deadline will have passed by then.
Edit: Okay, I finally found the other thread that tells you what to do. Kudos to Mattybyurn7 for figuring it out. Apparently, the game has to be uninstalled, then reinstalled in a non-program files folder. I'm doing that now. Still will be too late for this turn, but I'll submit next turn.