Re: EA Abysia vs. Bogus&C.
Now I happen to have 118 knight ready to meet the ladies and their escorts. How do I test then encounter?
Click on a square in front of the cockatrices and hit "shift-u" and and screen appears asking "what unit?". The easiest thing to do is to use Edi's DB (see his signiture) or other resource and find the units ID. In this case you can see knight as unit 22. After entering 22 (unit id) a second box appears asking how many. I have 118.
Edi DB (old but still very useful)
(Debug mod, there are others)
"I think, therefore I am" - René Descartes
"I yam what I yam" - Popeye
Last edited by sansanjuan; December 15th, 2012 at 02:49 AM..
Reason: add links