Re: Urraparrand EA - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 Started
Your forts and ressources belong to Atlantis now, your god imprisoned in the void. Maybe you consider accepting and breaking treaties more carefully next time.
Anyways, would be cool if some other players could post their opinion.
According to my intel, Miclan is now raiding Caelum who unfortunally was unable to finish Aby on time. So at the very least, Aby and Caelum would have to to forfeit their differences as well.
Fomoria declared war on me 3 turns ago, didnt seem to be too smart judging by the outlash that followed.
Basicly, i have a lot of ressources i could throw at Miclan and i wager that Fomoria, if he wishes, could rally some forces too. TC would obviously be the leader. I dont know how bad it looks for Caelum and Aby.
So ppl, post now or throw away your divine right under the dominion of Miclan.