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Old January 9th, 2013, 06:26 AM

jimbojones1971 jimbojones1971 is offline
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Default Sub needed for MA Abby - Second War of Loemendor

Wanted: Sub for MA Abysia in the game Second War of Loemendor.

You are a solid second rate power, in a game where Mictlan is THE leading power. You are locked in a struggle to the death with an Agartha player who displays all the tenacity of Frederick the Great during the Seven Years War, and who will. Not. DIE!!!

Oh yeah, and Machaka wants to eat your face. So another war, and presumably lots of man eating spiders. What's not to like?

On the plus side, you are allied to a total incompetent (me). And you have a cool red flag for your dudes. Presumably they go faster, because they are red.

So, first in, first served! Don't miss this tempting offer to taste the bitter fruit of defeat, and drink from the sweet nectar of despair!
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