Re: Frozen Synapse - MA - Vet & intermediate - Running
Ok everybody,
here is a little summary of my game. It was really fun, even I am out first :-)
My first goal was trying to maximize my Tuatha with Ironskin and Mistform as good thugs and then to start buffing them with some items.
My start location was left a little in the open with not clear refuge area. While I ran into some strong indies and lost my prophet to some ghouls, by turn 5 I had managed to expand to the south-east and grabbed a farmland. Things were looking good. Shinujama was my neighbour to the south.
By turn 10, things were not looking as rosy anymore. Marignon had aggressively expanded exactly into my direction from the north-east, and in turn 9 Argatha had appeared at my doorstep, taking a province in the north-west, directly next to my capital. It was clear that this meant early war.
Argatha was playing a buff strategy with Quickness and Twist Fate. The first attack on my capital in turn 16 was using around 40 Ancient Ones. Managed to defend them barely using Snake Bladder Stick/Snake Ring Tuatha - knowing that he did not have anything to prevent poison damage. But I could defend with 3 Tuatha at that point and he managed to kill two of them.
I also managed to defend a second attack on my capital, but in the end it fell on the third attack, after Argatha had finally conquered my "Hinterland".
In the end, I tried a little guerilla warfare, but that did not change my fate.
Have fun with the rest of the game.