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Old January 29th, 2013, 11:44 AM

nozshand nozshand is offline
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Default Re: About green dragon

I personally think in CBM, green dragon is the best amongst all three dragons, simply because the poison breath attack is aoe 10(aoe 3 for fire and cold breath) which is enough to hit all units before they get close to melee range. Not to metion the poison damage tick works really well with fear the dragons have.

It can expand on its own without any items except occasionally poison ressit troops(undead), with its mobility only a gorgon matches its early expansion capability.

Other dragons does aoe3 breath attack. in an average case you get 2-3 fires before are forced to fight in melee(assuming alone), aoe3 simply does not punch out enough damages.

Green dragon is "superior" to any other early-expanding awake pretender choices but whether or not it deserves a nerf I'm not really sure.
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