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Old January 30th, 2013, 09:51 PM

HoleyDooley HoleyDooley is offline
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Default Re: Tarrax3 - Newbie/Intermediate LA 12 Players (running)

Just a question to those of you who remain and maybe with more experience than me.

Given that this is a no diplomacy game, and if I should in the not too distant future cast Utterdark....will it basically end the game?

It appears to me that this is a fairly nasty (almost game winning) spell and given enough boost, too strong to be dispelled by a single player.

Given that pooling gems for a dispel is out of the question by the nature of the diplomacy in this game, is it fair that I should be able to cast it?

My thoughts its not.

There seem to be some great struggles going on and if the consensus is that it should not be cast that's fine with me, as there are other useful global I can use.

I am more interested in seeing this game continue on rather than winning it by what appears to be a "loophole" in our game setup for my nation.

Maybe I am over rating this spell.....Your thoughts?
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