Originally Posted by Soyweiser
Yeah they stack. But what is worse, having a horrormark stacked SC die after half a dozen combats, or have it die in once combat because the S mages were scripted to either cast stellar cascades or mind burn instead of horror mark/astral geyser?
Mind burn and such is not always an option. Particularly with SC's that have insane Magic Resistance... Yeah you might get lucky and Soul Slay him or something but you don't need luck with stacked Horror Marks because they are going to hit regardless of resistance. Assuming they don't hit someone else. If you have several mages capable of horror marking you can easily add a screen of chaff to delay the SC while your mage's horror mark for a few turns and then turn tail and run. The damage will be done and cannot be undone. You can't say the same for Mindburns unless they get lucky and even then a few mind burns are not going to kill most SC's.