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Old February 13th, 2013, 04:30 AM
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Default Re: Is there any way to prevent being horror marked?

Originally Posted by PsiSoldier View Post
Also I don't believe that is correct about horror mark always hitting the largest enemy unit... I was Horror marking a few turns ago in a game and it looked like it was just hitting normal infantry units when there were cavalry/Knights that were larger. It might normally prioritize higher value targets based on Size but from what I see that is no guarantee.

I had a good sized enemy army in my territory and I had cut off its provinces to retreat to so I teleported my Pretender there to do some horror marking and Horror Calling thus killing their cowardly soldiers who retreated with nowhere to go. Before my main army came in to wreak a bit more havoc. There were No SC's there only infantry and Knights so there was no huge size difference in units but still it didn't target the knights who were larger than the infantry.
Target priority is for hitpoints, not size.
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