OR there is another thread stickied at the top of the forum for how to start a game
There are multiple people willing to host a game for you. But its the running (admin) of the game that is a problem. Do you want to design, start, administrate a game?
There are also some games always open for 1-4 players at
You can just art a thread saying which one and asking people to join you.
OR there are a couple of IRC channels (chat rooms) that are usually busy enough that you can jump in and ask people to join you in one of the games. In that case be prepared to stay and play. They tend to blitz the game doing continaul turns trying to finish the whole game in a few hours of play.
And finally, it should be noted that this is no longer the official forum for Dominions 3. The official forum is now at
so new games are most likely going to be formed there.