I was driving down the street the other day and the car in front of me didn't go when the light turned green. After a minute, I honked my horn. The young lady driver looked back at me, flipped me the center finger, then traveled on her way. It kind of hurt my feelings. I really just wanted her to driver her D*mn car. She sort of made it personal with the hand gesture. But then I thought, maybe she's just a dumb-a$$? Anyway, I got home safe. The moral of my story is....not everyone you play with is going to be your friend.
As a third party to this little Dominions Drama, I can say that Parone's post was written in a tone which could attract attack. Fantomen responded to Parone's post with a demeaning post and her friends followed suit.
I'm sure your both great people in real life. Just don't stop your cars in my lane. I might flick you off.