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Old March 4th, 2013, 07:30 PM
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Default Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect View Post
Once again the armies of Man march forward and strike another blow to the unfaithful heathens to our North.

Meanwhile, that vile nation of liverless fiends marches toward the war-torn remains of Caelum, that once glorious and wonderful nation. We should know, as we have brought the glory of our god to a few of the fortunate cites. Arco, that tarterous mass of bile that refers to itself as a kingdom will not succeed in wiping out the remains of Caelum should the nation of Man have anything to say. We have sheltered their refugees for many months now and will do our up most to protect the last remnants of that majestic race.

Here this you bottomless scourge of rotten meat, you will fail and die by our hands!
We've been introducing democracy to several of Caelum's freedom-loving provinces, and they are in no danger of being wiped out. In fact, many of Caelum's former military have joined my just and noble nation in our defensive war against the evil forces of the triple alliance, i.e., Man, T'ien, and Atlantis.

We have yet to see these fiends you mentioned. Are you sure they aren't some of your vampires that are feeding on the local population? Perhaps they ran out of Caelum refugees to feed on? We hear of many atrocities being committed in your lands.
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