Originally Posted by bbz
well Helheim stalling is not good neither Saro turning AI. I guess we just try and fight as much as we can, and thats that.
I have no doubt that Ermor is going to be able to stop me, (especially since they won't be hard pressed by Helheim) but I'm not gonna go down without a fight
Regarding Helheim stalling we could after this turn start looking for a sub I guess. Probably he got discouraged by someone dispelling his Ancient furnace, or I don't know what.
I was not that strong as you expected... I have no preparation for your attack at all, and a bad event destoried a critical laboratory of mine on the exact turn you attacked me, it hurts me even worse.
IMO, Helheim had the best chance to win this game if he didn't abandon it. I dispelled the acient forge, but it cost me 120 S Pearl (probably I wasted a lot). And with the Well of misery global and many artifacts, they should have many things to do.
Anyway, very nice play, bbz