Originally Posted by Teraswaerto
Originally Posted by Tiavals
Congrats on the win Teraswaerto.
Wonder if there'll be a third war of loemandor then?
I would join it, but earcaraxe isn't around anymore. Does Bullock have any interested in admining 3rd war of Loemendor? The map is wonky and sort of unbalanced, but that makes for a different type of game which is fine also.
Anyone else interested in writing a sort of post-mortem of their nation? Why things went the way they did, that sort of thing. I think I'll put something together today.
Sure, sounds like a good plan. I'll happily pull together something on MA Ermor, which will mostly consist of "and then Agartha and I headbutted each other again, and it was kinda painful for both of us"