April 17th, 2013, 09:23 AM
Second Lieutenant
Join Date: Dec 2010
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Re: A couple of General Questions
Hi Guys/Gals
I am relatively new to this game and have a couple of questions
1) How does one get started in multi-player games? Where do you go? How is it signed up?
2) Regarding bless effects, do the effects change as the level of a god changes? Fore example, say a good begins the game with a Nature magic level of 3. No bless effect due to nature, correct? Now, if he picks up a Thistle Mace, it is boosted to N4. Does he now get the minor bless Nature effects? Another example, say you have a god with A(s)tral 7 and put on a Ring of Wizardry which boosts everything including astral. He is now and S8, same as before, does the boost effect change? Lastly, what if you empower the god does that change the bless or not?
3) Reinvigouration. How does this work. Do units (or leaders, especially mages) get a set amount of reinvigoration each combat round or is it just gone once the 100 fatigue points are gone?
4) Communions. I will start with a base communion, 2 Masters & 4 Slaves.
Boosts, under this circumstance, the masters have a 2 lvl increase. Am I correct in understanding that only a applies to paths they already have? So if you have F0 (no fire path) you do not suddenly become an F2 mage, correct?
Also, any spell you cast, will have the fatigue spread among the 4 slaves, correct? So if you cast a spell that ordinarily costs 100 fatigue, you now throw the spell at no cost to you and each of the slaves pick up 25 fatigue, right? Does this change if the slave does not have the correct path, or is it wholly irrelevant (I think the latter).
Also, am I correct in understanding that if my communion master has an F2 level, the communion will move him up to F4. Moreover, if he casts and F2 spell that costs 100 fatigue, his paths will cut his fatigue to [1/(1+{4-2})] one third (1/3) to 33, which will then be split among the slave to the tune of about 8 fatigue each correct?
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That's better.