Re: ANDalusian Sun: Anonymous LA Game for experienced players. (5/13 remaining)
Sometime during this period, someone cast armaggeddon. This was quite a blow to me, as a few decked out juggernaut summoners were killed, along with quite a few astral window casters too. This caused me to become paranoid that multiple armaggeddons are on the way, so I unequipped everyone and put stuff onto my sea troll commanders. The turns after really became micromanagement hell as I have to keep moving items back and forth between my sea trolls and other commanders.
This put a halt to juggernaut summonings until I was able to make stone boots for my casters. I also put up astral corruption so my casters also have to be able to contend with horrors.
Eventually, Mictlan gave up, as he was getting the brunt of TC attacks. I think TC hoped to get Mictlan capitals and win, as he needed only 3 more to win. TC capitals within my reach were fortified with thousands of troops. I was always afraid of TC astral 9 pretender coming in and enslaving my army, so I never commited more than 10 percent of my total power into any battle.