Originally Posted by GoodKnight
lol that is interesting.. it actually says if you killed my mages or not?
Originally Posted by GoodKnight
The nature doom would be a bad idea no?
(If I use fire spell it burns down? )
There's a chance of that, but it depends on the type of spell you use.
Originally Posted by GoodKnight
lol that battle man  So much **** going on 
How is it that some of your magi were not affected by fire storm?
(They weren't FR or something)
Fire Storm effects 50% of the units per turn, so some of them might have been lucky. We also used Fire Fend to give some protection and two of my mages had rings of fire, which made them immune.
I screwed up some of their orders and I should have forged more rings before looking for trouble, but luckily I didn't put all my eggs in one basket
Originally Posted by GoodKnight
How bad was the effect on your income? Should be pretty bad since it's like your only major province..
You definitely impacted my income, but income isn't as important in the later stages of the game. You're probably doing more damage to yourself spamming raging hearts through my domes then causing any real damage to me. Conventional armies at this stage of the game aren't very effective anyway. Save your gems. You're going to need them