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Old May 28th, 2013, 01:31 AM

Happyfungi Happyfungi is offline
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Default Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Braincaster, I am the ringleader behind this dispelling because you didn't even respond to my offer of massive amounts gems to order to nuke Tir Na Nog into non-existence. You should have at least said no thanks.

I am converting all of my gems into Astrals to make sure you wasted your casting of Arcane Nexus. I was only sending in my astrals to nuke you, but since you are flinging accusations and threats around, while having ignored me as potential ally I will be using the 300 hundred plus gems I offered you to nuke the hell out of you. It is time to pay for your arrogance.

You are my enemy because you are not my friend.

Kailassa and Oceania are my friends and allies, they listened when I offered gem bribes to fight my enemies. I am releasing them from any further obligation to defend me and my lands. I am only concerned with your destruction. Not for having refused me, but for ignoring me outright.

Anyway I have been slaughtering Tir Na Nog's helpless and defenseless little "geared up thugs" via seductive assassination. It is hard to use an army with no mage support.
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