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Old May 28th, 2013, 05:10 AM
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Default Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

I'm 100% focused on going after Ermor. I don't have much of a prayer of winning this game, but I know the fastest way to lose is to let Ermor stand unchecked, so I'm going to do everything in my power to stop him.

Anyone who has a NAP with him now has a legitimate cause to immediately terminate their NAPs with him due to the game winning nature of the global, i.e., you have Casus beli.

My only question is who is going to dispel his global? I can do it, although I don't have enough gems. I'll happily give them to someone else or accept donations to do it on everyone's behalf, but let's decide who will be the caster so we can send in the gems this turn. The less turns he has to accumulate astral gems the better.
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