Ye I was really afraid because our positions are similar so the brutal late game would have taken as my mentioned months maybe half a year. But at the end I think you'd have won just because you had a better way to generate unlimited ammout of undead chaff.
I dont really know, I had about 150 blood slaves income(which I was planning on turning into about 200-250 at some point) so it would have been an interesting game. Also had 20% forge reduction + the two hammers(16 S rings of sorcery) and also 20% enchantress reduction hence the many grendelkins that I had. I also had the chalice and tartarian factory(and almost all of the artifacts) and I'd gotten deep into death magic so that I could eventually use undead mastery against you. So I dont really know who would have won between us two

but I figured that you probably would have lead a war of attiration which would eventually make you the winner(with all those 30k undead chaff). Anyways it was a really fun game and I'm sorry that I'm leaving for now maybe once I get my life sorted I'll come back.