Holy moly, stumbled upon a LP for this game on youtube just at random. Spent 100's of hours with 3, and figured it was a given a 4 would never come out (at least that was the prevailing wisdom). Graphics don't look any better, but I love these guys so much and all the love they put into 3 that I would buy it even if it was the exact same game in a shiny new box just to say "thank you". Wonder if that one pixel art map one of the devs has been working on for 5 years will make it into the game

Anyway, I was just curious about Desura. I've never used it. I get most of my games from Steam but one thing I liked about Dom3 was the fact that it was independent of a digital service. I could install it and play it "offline". I also loved the manual but realize the cost situation. It's too bad though because digital manuals are never easy to read and they truly pale in comparison - which is why most AAA games nowadays just have built in "manuals" where stuff is explained when you hover mouse over specific buttons/commands. Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes is a good example of this. Regardless, I really don't want to clutter my computer up with a bunch of digital download services. I don't mind downloading the game, but then I want it to be mine without having to access a service to play it. Will there be any option for that?