I'll be quick here as I have an early start and will be on the road in the morning. As noted in the previous posts above the Luftwaffe
F-4F issue (Dates) have been resolved. Steve in an unrelated manner sent me the below pics as a coincidence to the topic above. However I was asked to hold them until after they were published in Germany for one of the avaition publications he's an editor for when not acting as a LtCol. in the Luftwaffe active Reserve (What a rough life!

) flying the EUROFIGHTER.
For background a portion of the email he sent on 7/7/13 then enjoy the pics...
"Last week the Luftwaffe put their last F-4F Phantoms out of service, and I had the opportunity in the end of May to make a photo flight to catch the specially painted bird (pic attached). Then I was on my annual reserve exercise in the last two weeks of June, this time in the far south with JG 74 at Neuburg at the Danube. And because our flight test facility at Manching was in the neighbourhood, I had the opportunity to make a photo flight to get pics of their last bird also (pic attached, too). Flight test will operate its remaining two F-4Fs three weeks longer. All the Phantom pics had to be sorted out fast so that the aviation publications I also work for has them in time."
Pics in order of the email portion...
Again enjoy I'm off for some much needed R&R.