Depending on the source it's either been used, just tested or only next year ready for full production. I know the F-22 can carry 8 plus two AMRAAMs but that's all so if anyone ( Pat ?

) wants to dig into this further maybe we can get it in this next release....maybe
From a game perspective we need to know how that weapon would be any different than a Maverick or a Paveway although it would allow more carried per aircraft. The F-22 in the game that carries 2 1000lb JDAM's could carry 8 GBU-39's.
What I need to know is how it would compare to a maverick or paveway type weapon for the various fields that need to be entered to create a weapon
Also....... Boeing says the weapon has been in use on the F-15E since 2006. We allow the F-15E to carry eight 500 pound paveways so what I need to know is......... is that correct ( according to the website below...... no way ) and if yes then how many GBU-39's will it carry ? It may be that
in game terms there is no need to add this as, you may have noticed, the number of slots available for new things is not infinite