April 17th, 2014, 07:01 AM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: NEW__WinSPWW2v7.11_(2014)_Upgrade
A 7.11 version of the patch has been posted to correct the higher 4:3 resolution "clipping" issue. We have included the following information in the original Post #1
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Please note: The WinSPWW2v7.11_(2014)_Upgrade patch that is currently available to download replaces the original winSPWW2 version 7.0 patch that had a bug with the visibility change button in the view map screen that caused it to be disconnected from the code that made it work. We re-issued the patch as version 7.1 at the end of March 2014. Recently it was discovered that a line of code for display of the higher resolutions---mainly 1600x1200 but sometimes 1280x1040 as well to be "clipped" and not display properly and this is what the 7.11 version of the 2014 patch resolves that is now available-------however please note this bug does NOT affect the "Desktop" resolution available to extended version (CD) holders. If you are running the DL version of the game there is no need to DL and install the newest version of the 2014 patch as none of the issues affect the DL version and the OOB's are unchanged so there is no affect on secure PBEM. Owners of the extended (CD) version should DL the 7.11 version if they plan to run the game in a resolution other than desktop or if they have the 7.0 version and want to use the change visibility function of the view map screen.
We apologize for this inconvenience
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