Re: German OOB 16: minor corrections
Sorry to bother you so quickly, but I've found a quite important bug, concerning the most popular German tank in 1939. Now, unit 002 can't be bought in 1939 at all and we have only pre-series Pz II a/b/c with weaker armour and rare Pz II D available then.
002 PzKw II C - it should be available from 1937, as in a previous release (in fact, II C entered production in 6/38, but it could represent all "standard model" II A/B/C, produced from 7/37).
BTW, hull armour was 14.5mm all around in fact.
005 PzKw II J - it has radio=82 in the game, while there were only 22 made - very rare specialized recce tank.
215 PzKw II D - very rare variant (43 made), radio=3 would be more appropriate (Jentz/Doyle write, that there it is unclear, if they saw action at all). Hull sides and rear were 14.5mm in fact (front was 30 mm).
388 PzKw II C - now it's available since 1/41, and differs from 002 with KwK38 gun only. It should rather represent the most common model during French campaign, with 20mm applique armour in hull's and turret's front. Basic armour was 14.5mm all around. Also, Jentz/Doyle mention only KwK30 guns as an armament of Pz II C, so it might be rearmed this way (like unit 002), uparmoured and made available from 5/40.
834 PzKw II a/b/c - entered service in spring of 1936 according to Jentz/Doyle (produced from 5/36) (now: 7/37). It might have been confused with standard A/B/C, but a picture and weak armour indicate pre-series a/b/c (in fact, c had a new suspension, but tactically it was the same).
It was rare variant, and radio=1 would be more appropriate (now radio=2) - there were 75 a, 25 b and a small number of c, comparing to over 1000 A/B/C.
BTW: weapons 88 PzB 39 ATR and 137 PzB M.SS.41 have amazing accuracy of 34, much better then other AT rifles - is it justified? The later one also has warhead=2, while it should be 1 (7.62mm)